Extended spray rails are a common modification. the key advantage of the extended spray rail is keeping the water spray off the propeller. The Simufloght rails are the most common in the industry and were designed to avoid some of the pit falls of other designs like the tendancy to dig in and water loop.
During the design of these Joe McHugh could be seen bouncing up and down Lake Washtington with a super 8 movie camera filming how the water rolled off the rails to get an optimum shape.
Installation Notes

While this is not a complicated installation it does take some time and a little planning, contact us for more information.
Estimated Installation Time: 16 hours***
* Installed price is an estimate based on an assumed condition of the aircraft. Installation cost varies based on the work required to prepare the aircraft for the installation this kit.
** Installation can be accomplished at our Fallon facility or your site. On-site installation will incur additional costs for travel and per diem.
*** All shop time estimates are what we quote for our staffed of experienced Seabee people. A&P's without experience with these kits can expect to double and even triple the noted installation time.
Price Install: $3,100**
Availability 4-6 Weeks